Falcon Training Illustration

Falcon Training
Original Illustration
9” x 12” Framed Sold

Here is a brief explanation of this piece;

Generally when I do a figurative piece it’s molded after mythology, Greek for instance in this piece and Athena to be precise. It’s titled Falcon Training but there isn’t a falcon there, this is her waiting the return of her bird with her prize. She’s waits patiently. The peacock proud and confident reflect her skill and how she perceives herself. The fox spirit is her wit. Everything else is elements of nature and protectivness. She is dressed in feminine robes but I choose to adorn characters in chainmail and medallions as a way to represent their ability to fight for their beliefs. Athena herself is the goddess of wisdom and war.

I’ve always loved mythology. I especially love folklore that have to do with animals and how they shape humans perception of the world. I hope this gives you more insight on your piece and gives you more to ponder as you look at her. I really encourage viewers to make their own conclusions and stories for the figures I create. For you to give it life through your personal connection to the imagery.

